


This recipe explains how to schedule content to be published on a future date for dynamic sites.

Scheduling content has fewer steps for a dynamic site. Since you are calling your Directus API at the time that a visitor requests a page from your site, all you need to do is add a filter to your query.

If your site is statically generated and your content fetched at build time, please follow the recipe for static sites.

How To Guide

You’ll need to have already created a collection for your site content like articles or posts or pages with a field status that controls the published state.

Add a Field To Control Publish Date and Time

  1. Under Settings, go to Data Model.
  2. Choose your content Collection.
  3. Add a new field to your content Collection.
    The interface for creating a new field is shown. The field type Datetime is selected. The Key is named date_published. The field for Use 24-Hour format is checked.
    a. Choose Datetime for the Type.
    b. Name the Key date_published.
    c. Save the Field and your Collection.

Add Some Content and Set a Publish Date

  1. Create or update an Item inside your Collection
    A content item within the Articles collection is shown. The title is "What is Headless CMS?". English translations are also shown with a Summary field. The Summary reads "A quick overview of what Headless CMS is and how it's beneficial to your team."
    a. Set the status field to published
    b. Add a date for the date_published field
    c. Add the content for other fields and save the Item

Check the Published Date When Calling the Directus API

  • When calling the API, add a filter rule that checks the date_published field.
  • Use the _lte operator to filter for dates that are less than or equal the current date/time.
  • You can use the dynamic variable $NOW to get the current timestamp.


In these examples, we're using an AND logical operator to only return records that match both conditions. This provides a little more control over your published content by ensuring only articles that have a publish date AND have the published state are displayed on your site.

Using the Directus JavaScript SDK (preferred)

const articles = await directus.items('articles').readByQuery({
  filter: {
    _and: [
        status: {
          _eq: 'published',
        date_published: {
          _lte: '$NOW',

Using the Fetch API (JavaScript)

const response = await fetch(`https://yourdirectusurl.com/items/articles?${new URLSearchParams({
  filter: {
   _and: [
     status: {
      _eq: 'published'
     date_published: {
      _lte: '$NOW'
const articles = await response.json()

Final Tips


  • If you're not receiving the data you expect, double-check your filter rule syntax.
  • Also be sure you have enabled the proper permissions for your content Collection.